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On November 13, in front of 435 fans, the Irish took down the Alvinston Killer Bees 6-1 at the Stratford Allman. The Irish fought through despite having 5 Defensemen & 3 Forwards injured.After the game, the Irish held a Comedy/Live Music Show for 125 Fans that packed into the “Irish Lounge” upstairs at the Allman.The Irish is committed to continuing to do things for our community and support causes, such as food and clothing drives. We will also continue to provide entertainment after games throughout the season.The Irish have this upcoming weekend off (November 20). Next home game is against the 1st place Strathroy Jets on November 27th, featuring Hockey Fights Cancer Awareness! Fans can participate in an auction to win an Irish jersey & other fun activities, with proceeds going to the Canadian Cancer Society. Look for the team to join forces with “A Child’s Smile - Stratford” on the 27th as well!